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Hallux valgus (Bunion)
Hallux valgus (Bunion)

Perhaps the most important thing that attracts attention in shoe shopping stores is high heel shoes, but have you ever wondered about the dangers and health disadvantages related to them?

High heels and tight shoes cause many back and feet pains, in addition to causing many deformities, of which the hallux valgus is the most common.

It is a pathological condition in which a bony protrusion appears on the joint at the base of the big toe, which leads to its deviation towards the rest of the toes.

Women are more likely to suffer from this deformity, as a result of wearing tight shoes and high-heeled shoes, in addition to the presence of other factors that predispose to infection, such as the genetic factor, obesity, flat feet, and some chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

This condition leads to many symptoms whose severity varies according to the degree of deformity, starting with mild pain to reach inflammation and defective deformation in the shape of the foot, which leads to chronic pain that accompanies the patient throughout his life.

Hallux valgus treatment

Management of this condition requires two types of treatments:

One of them is pain relief using NSAID's and corticosteroid injections.

And the other is by using physical therapy, wearing flexible shoes, and reducing excess weight. In some severe cases, we may have to perform surgery in order to relieve the patient from the severe pain he suffers from. To prevent the occurrence of injury or to reduce its severity, it is recommended to follow the following instructions:

  • Exercising daily and periodically without stressing the feet.
  • Use appropriate medical shoes for the foot.
  • Not wearing high heels.

Prepared by Dr.: Moaz Muhammad Moataz Al-Mahaini.

Linguistic proofreading: Lana Muhammad Moataz al-Mahaini.

Sources and references

Bunion. (n.d)

Bunions. (2012, September)

Bunions (hallux abducto valgus). (n.d.)

Mayo Clinic Staff. (2014, February 11). Bunions

Gestational Diabetes
Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is defined as diabetes that occurs during pregnancy and is characterized by an increase in the blood sugar levels of the expectant mother. Gestational diabetes is one of the most important health problems facing pregnant women, and its proper diagnosis and treatment is vital for the health of the mother and fetus.

Definition of gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes occurs when hormonal production increases in the body of the expectant mother, which leads to increased levels of sugar in the blood. This is caused by the inability of the pancreas to produce enough insulin, which is required to convert sugar into energy. And the high level of sugar in the blood affects the development of the fetus and the health of the expectant mother.

Causes of gestational diabetes

The reasons can be genetic, as the chances of developing gestational diabetes increase in women who have diabetes in their families. Excess weight, an unhealthy diet, and an inactive life also increase the risk of gestational diabetes.

Symptoms of gestational diabetes

Some people feel that there are no symptoms of gestational diabetes, but in some cases symptoms can include:

  • Excessive thirst and excessive hunger.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Exhaustion and fatigue.
  • Muscle spasm.
  • Headache.
  • Nausea or vomiting.

Although these symptoms aren't always obvious, they warrant blood sugar levels for a diagnosis of gestational diabetes.

Prevention of gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes can be prevented through lifestyle changes, such as:

  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Do regular exercise.
  • Eat healthy and balanced meals.
  • Maintaining blood sugar levels within the normal range.

Gestational diabetes treatment

Treatment options for gestational diabetes vary according to each case, and treatment includes:

  • Lifestyle changes: This includes improving your diet and exercising regularly to help lower your blood sugar levels.
  • Medication: Doctors can prescribe medications to keep blood sugar levels regular, and this usually includes insulin or oral medications.
  • Pregnancy follow-up: The pregnant mother must follow up her condition accurately and regularly with the attending physician, and perform the necessary tests to monitor blood sugar levels and the health of the fetus.
  • Childbirth: The expectant mother must undergo specific health care during the delivery period, and a cesarean delivery may be required in some cases.


Gestational diabetes is usually diagnosed by checking blood sugar levels after eating breakfast, and in pregnant women, this test should be done periodically during pregnancy. The primary test for gestational diabetes is the oral glucose tolerance test, in which the blood glucose level is checked after a specific amount of glucose is consumed. If blood sugar levels are high, gestational diabetes is diagnosed.


Failure to properly manage gestational diabetes may lead to serious complications during pregnancy and childbirth, including:

  • Increased risk of high blood pressure, which can lead to serious complications such as cerebral hemorrhage and heart disease.
  • Increased risk of vaginitis and cystitis, which can cause pain, swelling, and itching.
  • Increased risk of premature birth, which may lead to serious complications for the baby such as poor breathing and pneumonia.
  • Increased risk of surgical infections during childbirth, which can lead to uterine bleeding and trauma.

Therefore, pregnant women with gestational diabetes have to follow up their condition regularly with their physician and follow a healthy lifestyle and appropriate treatment to avoid these potential complications.

Prevention of gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes can be prevented through lifestyle changes, such as:

  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Do regular exercise.
  • Eat healthy and balanced meals.
  • Maintaining blood sugar levels within the normal range.

Gestational diabetes treatment

Treatment options for gestational diabetes vary according to each case, and treatment includes:

  • Lifestyle changes: This includes improving your diet and exercising regularly to help lower your blood sugar levels.
  • Medication: Doctors can prescribe medications to keep blood sugar levels regular, and this usually includes insulin or oral medications.
  • Pregnancy follow-up: The pregnant mother must follow up her condition accurately and regularly with the attending physician, and perform the necessary tests to monitor blood sugar levels and the health of the fetus.
  • Childbirth: The expectant mother must undergo specific health care during the delivery period, and a cesarean delivery may be required in some cases

Ultimately, expectant mothers must carefully monitor their condition and seriously deal with gestational diabetes, which can lead to serious complications for the mother and fetus. A healthy lifestyle and appropriate treatment should be adhered to to prevent these complications and ensure the health of the mother and fetus.

Post traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Post traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Survivors of the catastrophic earthquake in Turkey and Syria, which killed more than 20,000 people, injured tens of thousands, and displaced hundreds of thousands, are facing scientifically proven possibilities of suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, which is one of the long-term mental health disorders. So let's learn in this article about the signs of this disorder, symptoms and treatment methods.

Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

During our daily lives, each of us is exposed to a terrible accident that is out of our control. What is meant by a terrible accident is when a person feels that he is in danger or his life is threatened, or we see others dying or injured, for example:

Serious road accidents, battles, wars and natural disasters (earthquakes, volcanoes, floods and hurricanes) sexual assault, rape, physical assault, exposure to theft or burglary, and also a diagnosis of a life-threatening disease or when a family member dies may trigger post-traumatic stress disorder Which appears as a reaction to the chemical changes that occur in the brain after exposure to painful events, and is not the result of a defect or weakness in the personality. 

Fortunately, most people overcome these experiences over time even without psychological help, but for some people it causes them a reaction that may last for months or even years and this is what we call post-traumatic stress disorder.  Post-traumatic stress symptoms may begin weeks or even months after the event, but usually appear within one month of the event.

symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder

PTSD is usually categorized into four types: intrusive memories, avoidance, negative changes in thinking and mood, and changes in physical and emotional reactions. Symptoms can change over time or differ from person to person.

First: Flashbacks & Nightmares

  • Recurrent, unwanted traumatic memories of the traumatic event.
  • Live the moment of the traumatic event as if it were happening again (retrospection).
  • Disturbing dreams or nightmares about the traumatic event.
  • Intense emotional stress or physical reactions about something that reminds you of the traumatic event.

Second: avoidance

  • Trying to avoid thinking or talking about the traumatic event.
  • Avoid places, activities, or people that remind you of the traumatic event.

Third: Negative changes in thinking and mood

  • Negative thoughts about yourself, others, or the world.
  • Despair about the future.
  • Memory problems, including not remembering important aspects of a traumatic event.
  • Feeling alienated and separated from family and friends.
  • Lack of interest in activities you previously enjoyed.
  • Difficulty experiencing positive emotions.

Fourth: Changes in physical and emotional reactions

  • An exaggerated response, such as a sense of panic or extreme fear that is disproportionate to the situation.
  • Feeling of constant alertness (hypervigilance), that is, the person feels as if he is always in danger and cannot relax.
  • Difficulty sleeping and difficulty concentrating.
  • Irritability, outbursts of anger, or aggressive behavior.
  • An intense sense of guilt or shame.

For children 6 years of age and younger, signs and symptoms may also include:

  • Reenact the traumatic event or aspects of the traumatic event during play.
  • Frightening dreams that may or may not include aspects of the traumatic event.

How is PTSD diagnosed?

PTSD is not diagnosed until at least one month after exposure to the traumatic event, and the doctor relies on the diagnosis of knowing the medical history and what the person has gone through from painful experiences and events, in addition to the symptoms he is currently suffering from based on the criteria for diagnosing PTSD .

Post-traumatic stress disorder treatment

Treatment for PTSD cases includes psychotherapy, medication, or both.

1- Psychotherapy:

Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the effective methods in reducing and treating the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, as it works to change the thoughts and behaviors of the individual, which helps to overcome the trauma and relieve symptoms. Other psychotherapeutic approaches used to treat this disorder include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).
  • Exposure therapy.
  • Eye movement therapy (EMDR) (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing).
  • Group psychotherapy.

2- Pharmacological treatment:

The use of antidepressants may be useful in treating post-traumatic stress disorder, as they contribute to improving mood and relieving anxiety, such as Sertraline and Paroxetine.

How can PTSD be prevented?

Receiving psychological support and appropriate treatment after experiencing psychological trauma can help prevent the condition from developing into PTSD.

Initial psychological support plan:

First: come close

Ask the person how he feels. Calm him down if he is agitated or panicked.

Second: listen

Listen to the person without judgment and make them feel understood.

Third: support

Offer him emotional support and then informational solutions to his problem.

Fourth: Encourage

Encourage him to choose one of the specialized options available, such as medication and psychotherapy.

Fifth: Tell

Talk to him about psychological self-help strategies (support groups - family - friends).

And in conclusion, don't forget yourself!!

After you provide assistance to a person in psychological distress that may affect your feelings in a negative way, pay attention to these feelings and try to deal with them and mitigate their impact, such as talking to a person you trust, and take into account the privacy of the injured person by not mentioning information about his condition.

Prepared by: Dr. Moaz Muhammad Moataz Al-Mahaini.

Linguistic proofreading: Lana Muhammad Moataz al-Mahaini.

Sources and references:

  • Lauren Krouse. What Is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? Retrieved on the 20th of December, 2022.
  • WebMD. What Is Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? Retrieved on the 20th of December, 2022.
  • Geraldine Orentas. Signs and Symptoms of PTSD in Women. Retrieved on the 20th of December, 2022.
  • Healthdirect. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Retrieved on the 20th of December, 2022.
  • WebMD. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Retrieved on the 20th of December, 2022.

  • Matthew Tull. What Is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder? Retrieved on the 20th of December, 2022

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سرطان البروستات
سرطان البروستات

سرطان البوستات


شهر نوفمبر شهر التوعية بواحد من أكثر السرطانات انتشاراً عند الذكور وهو سرطان البروستات

ما هي البروستات؟    

هي غدة تقع أسفل المثانة أمام المستقيم عند الذكورنمو خلايا هذه الغدة بشكل غير طبيعي وخارج عن السيطرة هو سرطان البروستات

غالباً هذا السرطان بطيء النمو و يمكن علاجه بنجاح فقط عند الكشف المبكر عنه بالمراحل الأولى.

ولازم يتفرق عن حالة تسمى تضخم البروستات الحميد وفيها يكون تضخم أو تكاثر الخلايا حميد.

يمكن إن يكون سرطان البروستات بدون أعراض و لا تظهر إلا في مراحل متقدمة أو عند انتشاره للعظام في الحوض أو الفقرات أو الأضلاع

 أعراض سرطان البوستات

- مشكلات التبول صعوبة التبول و حرقة أو ألم عند التبول

- الحاجة المتكررة للتبول خاصة في الليل

- ضعف تدفق البول أو عدم قدرة مفاجئة على التبول

- وجود دم في البول أو السائل المنوي

- ألم عند الجلوس إذا كانت الغدة متضخمة

- ضغف الأداء الجنسي

علامات انتشاره

- فقدان الشهية

- فقدان الوزن غير المبرر

- تعب مستمر

- آلام شديدة في العظام أو أسفل الظهر أو أسفل الحوض أو بالخصيتين

- وذمة و تورم بالساقين

- تغيرات بحركة الأمعاء

كيف يتم تشخيص البروستات

- الفحص الإصبعي للمستقيم

- الكشف عن المستضد البروستاتي النوعي PSA

- تصوير الإيكو

- الخزعة و هي المؤكد النهائي


تتنوع خيارات العلاج فتوجد أكثر من طريقة واحدة و اختيار الطريقة الأفضل يكون لكل حالة بذات

حسب انتشار السرطان و سرعة نموه و عمر المريض و عوامل أخرى يحددها الطبيب .ومن الخيارات العلاج الإشعاعي أو الهرموني أو الاستئصال الجراحي .

مخاطر الإصابة بسرطان البروستات

- العمر تزيد خطورة الإصابة عند يتجاوز عمر الرجل 50 عاماً

- التاريخ العائلي تزداد الخطورة عند وجود إصابة واحدة أو أكثر في العائلة

- مستويات عالية من هرمون التستوسترون بسبب مرضي أو بسبب الأدوية

لا يمكن منع الإصابة بسرطان البروستات لكن تقليل من مضاعفته ومخاطره من خلال الكشف المبكر و ذلك وجود أي عامل من عوامل الخطر

كيف أمنع سرطان البروستات أن يتطور

وهناك بعض التدابير التي يمكن اتباعها للحد من تطور المرض مثل:

التغذية الصحية

النشاط الجسدي المنتظم

وهكذا نرى أنّ سرطان البروستات على الرغم من انتشاره الكبير إلا أن الكشف المبكر عنه يقلل الكثير من النتائج المحتملة.


إعداد الدكتورة وئام الشقران

سرطان الثّدي
سرطان الثّدي

هل تعلمون أن سرطان الثدي هو أكثر أنواع السرطانات شيوعاً بين النساء حول العالم، وهل تعلمون أنه يمكن الوقاية من مضاعفاته و الشفاء منه إذا تم اكتشافه مبكراً

في شهر أكتوبر من كل عام، نحتفل بالشهر الوردي ، وهو حملة عالمية لزيادة التوعية بسرطان الثدي وتشجيع المرأة على فحص ثديها بانتظام وطلب المساعدة الطبية إذا لاحظت أي تغيرات غير طبيعية.

ما هي علامات وأعراض سرطان الثدي

سرطان الثدي هو نمو غير طبيعي لخلايا الثدي، وقد يسبب بعض التغيرات في شكل وحجم وملمس الثدي أو الحلمة أو الجلد المحيط بها

بعض العلامات والأعراض المحتملة لسرطان الثدي هي :

-وجود كتلة أو عقدة صلبة في الثدي أو تحت الإبط.

-انتفاخ أو تورم في جزء من الثدي.

تغير في حجم أو شكل الثدي.

-تجعد أو تقشر أو تساقط للجلد على الثدي أو الحلمة.

-انعكاس أو انقلاب لحلمة الثدي.

-خروج إفرازات من الحلمة، قد تكون دموية أو شفافة.

-آلام في الثدي أو الحلمة.

-احمرار أو حرارة أو التهاب في الثدي.

-ظهور طفح جلدي على الثدي مشابه لالتهاب الجلد.

ما هي عوامل الخطر للإصابة بسرطان الثدي؟

بدايةً مفهوم عامل الخطر هو أي شيء يزيد من احتمالية حدوث مرض معين، وفي حالتنا هذه هو سرطان الثدي .

بناءً على ذلك تقسم عوامل الخطورة للإصابة بسرطان الثدي إلى قسمين :

القسم الأول وهي العوامل التي لا تتمكن السيدة من التحكم بها مثل:


التاريخ العائلي أي إذا كانت المرأة لديها قريبة من الدرجة الأولى (أم، أخت، ابنة) قد اصيبت بسرطان الثدي، فإن خطر إصابتها يزداد .

التعرض المتكرر للإشعاع على منطقة الصدر في عمر مبكرة .

بدء الدورة الشهرية بعمر مبكر.

القسم الثاني وهي العوامل التي تتمكن السيدة من التحكم بها و

تستطيع من خلالها محاربة السرطان:

-العناية بالذات و اتباع نظام حياة صحي

-تناول الطعام الصحي والتخلص من الوزن الزائد

-الابتعاد عن التدخين والمشروبات الكحولية.

-ممارسة الرياضة لمدة 30 دقيقة يومياً

-الإنجاب والاهتمام بالرضاعة الطبيعية لأنها تعد من العوامل الهامّة لمحاربة سرطان الثدي.

كيف يمكن فحص الثدي بشكل صحيح؟

الفحص الذاتي للثدي وهو يعد من أهم طرق الكشف الدورية المتناولة بيد جميع السيدات لسهولة تطبيقها

يقسم الفحص الذاتي للثدي إلى ثلاث خطوات ولكل خطوة وضعية يتم من خلالها تحري نسيج الثدي بشكل كامل :

الخطوة الأولى تكون أثناء الاستحمام بحيث يكون الجلد رطب وزلق يتم فيها وضع اليد اليسرى خلف الرأس وفحص الثدي الأيسر بأصابع اليد اليمنى بنعومة للبحث عن أي كتل وعلى العكس للثدي الأيمن .

الخطوة الثانية تكون أمام المرآة بوضع اليدين على الخصر و تأمل الثدي وملاحظة التناظر وأي تغير في شكل أحد الثديين ونكرر العملية ولكن برفع اليدين إلى الأعلى وماننسى أنو من الطبيعي يكون في فرق بسيط بحجم الثديين ولا يعتبر مرضي .

الخطوة الثالثة تكون بوضعية الاستلقاء على الظهر و وضع وسادة أو منشفة تحت الكتفين و وضع اليد اليسرى خلف الرأس وفحص الثدي الأيسر باليد اليمنى  وعلى العكس لفحص الثدي الأيمن وبهذه الطريقة ينفرد كامل نسيج الثدي على جدار الصدر ويسهل اكتشاف الكتل.

 طبعاً الفحص الذاتي للثدي يتم تطبيقه مرة واحدة كل شهر بعد انتهاء الدورة الشهرية ب 7 أيام
أما بالنسبة للسيدات بسن اليأس فهو كمان مرة واحدة ولكن بيوم ثابت من كل شهر.

 ولبيان أهمية هذا الفحص يجب أن ننوه على أن الإحصائيات تشير إلى أن 40%‼من سرطانات الثدي التي يتم اكتشافها تكون من قبل السيدات خلال إجرائهن للفحص الذاتي .

 سرطان الثدي لا يعني النهاية هناك الكثير من النساء اللواتي تغلبن على هذا المرض وأمضين حياة طبيعية وسعيدة كوني إحداهن ولا تستسلمي للخوف أو الإحباط اطمئني فأنت لست وحدك في هذه المعركة نحن معك وندعمك ونحبك

إعداد الدكنور معاذ المهايني 

Oocyte cryopreservation
Oocyte cryopreservation

Egg freezing is a method used to preserve reproductive capacity in women.

How are eggs frozen?

First, the eggs are extracted using anesthesia, and the egg extraction process usually takes place in the attending physician’s office.

Vaginal aspiration of eggs using ultrasound is a common method of egg retrieval.

An ultrasound probe is inserted transvaginally to locate the follicles, then a small needle is inserted transvaginally to guide it into the vagina, and the eggs are aspirated and the egg is extracted within 15 to 20 minutes. The woman may feel colic and bloating after the eggs are extracted, and the symptoms will disappear within two weeks at most.

After extracting the eggs, they are cooled to a temperature below zero, in order to stop the biological activity of the eggs, and to preserve the eggs for future use. However, pregnancy rates using frozen eggs are lower than the natural chances of pregnancy.

Preparations for egg freezing

You should prepare for egg freezing, as follows:

  • Examination of the ovarian reserve to determine the number of eggs.
  • Examination of the concentration of follicle-stimulating hormone and estradiol. The examination is performed on the third day of the menstrual cycle. Previous tests help predict how your ovaries will respond to fertility drugs, and your doctor may recommend an ultrasound of your ovaries.
  • Examination for infectious diseases, such as infection with HIV or AIDS, which requires special precautions when freezing eggs.

Prepare for the egg freezing process

From this stage, the process takes a minimum of three weeks, according to the British National Health Service website:

  • The first step: stopping the natural menstrual cycle, so that doctors can control the process of secretion, maturation, and collection of eggs. In this step, the woman receives medications intended for this purpose in the form of daily injections, or nasal sprays, for about two weeks.
  • The second step: the woman is injected with daily doses of the fertility hormone that stimulates the work of the ovaries, for a period of about ten days. The aim of this step is to increase the number of secreted oocytes, which can therefore be collected and frozen.
  • The third step: Follow up on the development of the egg production process, so that the woman undergoes ultrasound scans to follow the different stages of egg maturity, and the appropriate time to collect them.

Reasons for freezing eggs

Egg freezing may be an option if a woman is not ready to become pregnant now, or wants to have a child in the future. Unlike embryo freezing, egg freezing does not require sperm for fertilization, because the egg will not be fertilized before it is frozen, but you will only need some medication to stimulate ovulation.

The most important reasons are if the woman is about to undergo cancer treatment, or is taking any other treatment that may affect fertility in the future. Some medications, such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy, may significantly affect fertility.

Risks associated with egg freezing

There are small, but still present, risks associated with the different stages of the operation:

  • The fertility hormone that stimulates egg production causes the ovaries to swell, sometimes with dizziness, vomiting and abdominal pain. In rare cases, it may develop into life-threatening risks.
  • The needle used to collect the eggs may cause infection, or injure the bladder, pelvis, or blood vessels. The woman may experience bleeding for some time following the operation.

How does pregnancy happen later?

When the owner of the eggs decides to use them, they are extracted from the frozen state, and each one is examined to see what is suitable for use.

It is used in the same way as ICSI, as it fertilizes the egg with a sperm, then implants it in the uterus to start pregnancy. The fertilization process is not linked to a specific age, as the uterus is not affected by age, but the ovary.

What is the success rate for egg freezing?

The process gives a great deal of hope to women who want to preserve their chances of having children without being restricted to a certain age, but it does not guarantee a high success rate.

Success rates range from 30-60 percent, depending on the woman's age when the eggs were collected and the period during which they were frozen.

Prepared by: Hassan Al-Aqla

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